Secondary Site


A location other than the primary site which can be used for the resumption of business operations and other functions in the event of a disaster, a major system or infrastructure malfunction or an inability to access the primary site. A secondary site can be used:

  1. in the narrower sense for the replication of programs and data in order to safeguard data integrity, with the replicated data being stored externally to ensure the resumption of business operations following the destruction or loss of data; or
  2. in the broader sense for the maintenance of a comprehensive alternative system (i.e. a fallback system comprising hardware, software and data) to cater for the possibility of the production system not being available. In the event that the fallback system is located in the vicinity of the production system and a third system in another location is reserved for emergencies and disasters, the latter is referred to as the “disaster system”.

 Source: DRI

Secondary Site is a term used in disaster recovery planning. It refers to a location that is used as a backup in the event of a disaster at the primary location. It is typically located at a different physical location than the primary site and is used to store data and applications that can be used to recover from the disaster.
Alternate Site, Alternate Location