Business Continuity

Increase Your Resiliency With Business Continuity Consulting

Minimize Downtime and Mitigate Risks With Erwood Group’s Business Continuity Consulting Services. Not only will we increase your business’s resilience through proper planning and preparation, but we’ll also take your business Beyond Resilience™ to discover true Operational Endurance™ that will allow you to operate during any disruption.


Maintain Your Business After a Disruption or Emergency

No one can predict what the future holds. However, that doesn’t stop us from being prepared for any disaster that might come our way. 

At Erwood Group, we aim to help our clients stay afloat no matter what happens with our business continuity consulting services. Not preparing for disruption can result in unplanned downtime. These scenarios could have a major long-term impact on your reputation or revenue. 

It’s essential to reduce downtime to maintain trust with your customers. You also want to keep your business operations running effortlessly. Being prepared is the first step on the road to recovering from a disruption. Our team of consultants will assist you with starting a plan to get ready for anything. 

Get in touch with Erwood Group to speak with one of our business continuity consultants. 

Schedule Consultation

We’ll Assess Your Organization’s Business Continuity

Business continuity refers to a company’s level of readiness to maintain its operations after a disruption, disaster, or emergency. These types of events include:

  • Power outages
  • Natural disasters
  • Security breaches
  • The sudden departure of a staff member
  • Equipment failures 
  • Pandemics
  • Unplanned equipment downtime and failures

Maintaining your core critical functions after a disruption could be the difference between failure and success. A quick recovery time and the ability to shift or pivot fast are crucial to your business’s survival. Save yourself time and money by developing a business continuity plan prior to a disruption allows you to recover much more quickly. In fact, from a monetary perspective businesses that can resume operations within 10 days or less are able to do much better. 

Business Impact Evaluation 

Our team will perform a thorough assessment of your current business continuity plans. We’ll pinpoint the financial and operational impacts that could arise from a disruption to your business. We will evaluate and determine how much downtime will cost you and your business and what the timeframe of your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) should be from an operational standpoint of your business recovery

Disaster Recovery Assessment 

Our consultants will review your current Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, IT Systems, Software, Data Centers, High Availability, and Disaster Recovery (DR) capabilities. We’ll determine if it could survive a disaster and meet your RTOs with your current capabilities. We’ll work with you to identify concerns and gaps that you may have about your Disaster Recovery.

We’ll work with your executive teams and IT teams to develop and implement IT DR plans to further enhance your recovery capabilities. These DR plans will be created utilizing best practices and developed with our experienced consultants’ knowledge and expertise. We will create DR plans that incorporate worst-case scenarios of having to rebuild as well as include other needed scenarios such as Data-Center Loss, Network Connection Down, Corrupt Data, High-Availability Issues, etc. 

Additionally, we work with your business teams to develop workarounds as needed to address RTO gaps in the recovery process. 

Audits and Testing 

Once we have a business continuity program in place, we’ll conduct regular reviews and exercises utilizing our Learn, Practice, Implement, Challenge™ methodology and system. Ensure you’re ready for a disaster by providing your team with routine training and preparedness. Decrease your risk by confirming that your failover is ready if an event occurs. 

In addition, we will provide your teams with the needed training to document and prove that exercises and improvements were made. 

How Our Process Works

Step One: Schedule a Consultation 

Fill out our online contact form or call us at 877-565-8324 to set up an appointment. 

Step Two: We Get to Work

Our consultants will meet with you and your team, and get to know your business. We’ll use that information to develop a business continuity program that will take your business Beyond Resilience™ and increase your Operational Endurance™. 

During this time we will conduct a Risk Assessment, a Business Impact Analysis, a Financial Impact Analysis, Strategy Selection, and a Business Continuity Plan creation.

Step Three: Learn, Practice, Implement, Challenge™

We help your team with continuous improvement with our Learn, Practice, Implement, Challenge™ method. We’ll help train and build awareness of your crisis management team through discussions, tabletops, exercises, scenarios, and other methods. Taking your team from learning and awareness to practicing their crisis management skills, to implementation and challenging your crisis management team to build new skills and build confidence. 

Step Four: Be Prepared

You’ll be ready for an unexpected disaster or disruption with the assistance of our business continuity consultants and with Erwood Group by your side. 

Unlike most other agencies and consulting groups, even the ‘Big Ones’ we develop a true partnership with our clients and customers. During any disaster or disruption, we’ll stand with you, side by side, offer guidance, offer assistance, and even run your teams if necessary.

We’ll never turn away one of our clients that calls us for help or tell them to “Just Follow the Plan” as many other consultants and agencies do.

Did you know that even most internal contingency consultants take a 100% complete “hands-off” approach during actual events and invocations? We believe this is wrong and does a disservice to the entire industry.

This is due to most of these agencies and consultants lacking the expertise and experience of real crises, emergencies and disruptions.

Hear What Our Happy Clients Have to Say

We are proud of our reputation as leaders in our class. We help businesses across a host of industries, of all different shapes and sizes. From Fortune 100, 500, and 1000 down to your local and regional small and medium enterprise businesses and small boutiques. Keep reading to see why we are trusted by businesses like yours.

See testimonials like:  “This is great… There is nobody out there doing what you do” & “I really appreciate you so much. You have made a real impact.”

View Testimonials

Learn More About Erwood Group

At Erwood Group, our team has experienced various disasters and events that have disrupted businesses. That’s given us first-hand experience on how to properly prepare for and navigate any circumstance. We use that information to protect our businesses, giving them the tools they need to succeed. 

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Business Preparedness Needs

Our team at Erwood Group is here to ensure your business is protected. Contact us to set up a meeting to discuss our business continuity consulting services. 
