It’s Our Business to Protect Your Business | Erwood Group

Crisis Management Solutions for Your Business

Ready for the Unexpected

Owning and operating a business is about taking risks. Having the courage to take on such a challenge requires bravery and should be applauded. However, ignoring the potential impact of disruptions on the smooth running of your business is a risk that is never worth taking.

The reality is that the future is uncertain. Threats to your business, however, are very real. These range from cyber-related incidents to forced business shutdowns, fires and hurricanes, power outages, and crime to civil unrest.

Unfortunately, business disruptions have become all too common in these modern times. Businesses both large and small cannot afford to have their work and output disrupted. That is where Erwood Group comes in. We are here to protect your business against risks and disruptions.

You’ve spent a lot of time, money, and resources building your business – Let’s protect it. 

Contact us today and let our professional team protect and keep your business—and livelihood—running.

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Our services

As a consultancy agency, we are committed to helping businesses protect themselves against the risk of threats. Our services include crisis management, business continuity, disaster recovery, risk management, and cybersecurity.

Crisis Management

Our goal is to introduce you to effective crisis leadership. You will learn crisis management from people who have been through multiple crises and understand the challenges it poses as well as solutions that exist. This includes setting up your crisis management team, leading the team, and communicating with stakeholders and the press.

If your business is faced with a sudden emergency situation, we will help you to deal with it in a professional and thorough manner. By being able to identify threats, be they internal or external events, your business is able to mount an effective response to them.

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Business Continuity

Business continuity management is about the advanced planning and preparation of a business, allowing it to maintain essential business functions in spite of a disaster (or quickly resuming them). It includes everything from cyber attacks to the risks associated with fire, flooding, and more.

You don’t just need a plan to make you more resilient, you need an effective and polished program with effective strategies to help you recover. Our team of experts can take you from zero planning to an effective program in six months. 

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Disaster Recovery

When the worst happens, will your business be ready to handle it? Disaster recovery refers to the process of maintaining or reestablishing vital business systems and infrastructure following either a human-induced or natural disaster. It is the ability of a business to recover from such an event that negatively affects its normal business operations.

We train businesses to do just that, preparing a plan that allows for potential disasters to be overcome with foresight and strategy. With effective disaster recovery strategies, your business will be protected even when the unthinkable occurs.

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The risk of cyberattacks is real. According to the FBI, hackers are increasing their focus on small and medium-sized businesses as larger corporations invest in cybersecurity tools. Whatever size your business is, it’s essential that you are prepared against potential cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks are on the rise and we are here to help. We help businesses to protect their internet-connected systems (such as data, software, and hardware) from cyber threats. Contact our team to learn more.

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Why Choose Erwood Group?

We are here to help businesses reach the next level in business preparedness planning without losing their personality. We understand the impact that threats such as cyberattacks and weather events can have on a business and its day-to-day operations.

We have an amazing assortment of tools, knowledge, and experience in the industry, along with a dynamic company of consultants who are able to take a business with zero to little contingency planning and turn it into a dynamic and resilient powerhouse.

Our goal is to help your business stay up and running after and ideally during a crisis or disruption. We achieve this through unmatched business preparedness. We have a wide range of programs and services to make your business more resilient so that you can prepare, prevent, and profit even in a disaster.

We treat all our clients as individuals and don’t think a one-size-fits-all solution will work. We’ll help you develop a customized plan for your unique position as a business.

Whether you need help with business continuity planning, crisis, and incident management, or need better disaster recovery options, we’ve got programs and services to make your business more resilient so that you can prepare, prevent, and profit even in a disaster

Our Promise

Unlike some of our competitors – We’ll never turn away a client’s call for help – we’ll never tell you to “just follow the plan.” 

We’ll help you through your disruptions and disasters as well as manage your crisis, and provide guidance and recommendations. 

Forever Free Initiative™

The recently launched Forever Free Initiative™ is our way of addressing the perception that continuity and contingency planning (as well as overall preparedness planning) is too complicated and/or expensive.

As part of this initiative, we have made two of the modules of our Impact Tool™ available to the public free to use. These two modules are:

Click here to learn more about these modules, our Forever Free Initiative™, and our Impact Tool™.

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Read Our Reviews

We are proud of our reputation as leaders in our class. We help businesses across a host of industries, of all different shapes and sizes. Keep reading to see why we are trusted by businesses like yours. See testimonials like:  “This is great… There is nobody out there doing what you do” & “I really appreciate you so much. You have made a real impact.”

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See Our Case Studies

We’ve helped businesses with their preparedness needs, making them more resilient and enabling them to endure disruptions. We helped numerous businesses and organizations save millions, gain hundreds of millions in insurance coverage, reduce recovery costs, know their disruption and recovery costs, and achieve ROI. 

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Protect Your Business From Internal and External Risks

To learn more about how the Erwood Group can help you increase your business resilience, contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you.

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Rapid Business Impact Analysis

Rapid Planning™

At the Erwood Group, we believe the modern business world moves at the speed of thought. Business owners & managers need to be ready to respond just as rapidly. By utilizing our proprietary tools & systems we can conduct your Rapid Risk Assessments, complete your Rapid BIAs, and have plans complete for your critical processes faster than you thought possible.

Business Preparedness

Business Endurance™

Our Services are designed to take your business preparedness to a level beyond resilience™ to achieve true business endurance™ so that you can operate after and ideally during a disaster or disruption. Allowing your business to prepare, protect, prevent, and profit™ through effective risk mitigation and planning gives you an operational edge over competitors.

Crisis Management

LPIC™ For Quality™

Learn, Practice, Implement, Challenge™ (LIPC) is our method for helping you build a future-proof, sustainable, and enduring business. We help you learn how to implement processes and technologies for business preparedness and resilience. Then we guide you through practicing and assist with the implementation of business preparedness strategies. Next, we challenge your team to bring out their best.


Are you looking for ways to plan for the future and protect your business from various threats, including cyber-attacks? Erwood Group is here to help. Determined to create something better, the Erwood Group was formed to help businesses reach the next level in business preparedness planning without losing their personality. With an amazing assortment of tools, knowledge, and experience in the industry, we created a dynamic company of consultants who are able to take a business with zero to little crisis management and contingency planning and turn it into a dynamic and resilient powerhouse.

At the Erwood Group, our business is helping your business stay up and running after and ideally during a crisis or disruption. We achieve this through unmatched business preparedness & crisis management solutions, consulting, & tools.

Whether you need help with business continuity planning, crisis, and incident management, or need better disaster recovery options, we’ve got programs, systems, tools, and services to make your business more resilient so that you can prepare, protect, prevent, and profit even in a disaster. Taking you beyond resilience to endurance.


Risk Assessments

Business Impact Analysis

Contact Us

To learn more about how the Erwood Group can help you increase your business resilience contact us today. 

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