Disaster Recovery


Be Prepared With Disaster Recovery Consulting Services

Ensure Your Business Can Withstand Any Event With Our Disaster Recovery Consulting Services. 

We’re Experts in Disaster Recovery

An unfortunate event can hit your business at any moment. You must be proactive instead of waiting until that time to take action. Being prepared ensures your company can bounce back and continue to thrive after a disaster

Our disaster recovery consultants work closely with you to ensure you have a protection program in place. This program needs to have steps that enable you to respond efficiently and quickly to an emergency. Get access to your IT infrastructure and critical systems fast after a disaster with our help. 

Contact Erwood Group today to schedule a consultation to learn about our disaster recovery consulting services. 

Schedule Consultation

How Our Process Works

Step One: Reach Out

You can get ahold of our disaster recovery experts by calling us at 877-565-8324. Another option is to fill out our Disaster Recovery Consultation contact form


Step two: We Get To Know your business

We get to know your business, needs, and requirements. As part of our discovery process, we work with your business and IT leaders to best understand your business, your IT infrastructure, architecture, applications and overall systems.

We establish where your IT teams and ITDR as an organization is currently and develop a roadmap of where you need to be and how to get there with a solid and effective DR Program.

We’ll work with your IT leadership and key personnel to develop an IT Disaster Recovery Policy and standardized DR Templates that align with your business, train and assist your IT Teams to complete the DR documentation, complete exercises with our Learn, Practice, Implement, Challenge™ methodology, and include maintenance and remediation as needed. 


Step Three: We Create a Disaster Recovery Plan

Our team will develop a formal and standardized document for you and your IT staff to follow in the event of a disruption, outage, or disaster.  We’ll provide you and your team with the training needed to ensure everyone is up to date on these disaster recovery plans. 

What Documentation is Needed for Disaster Recovery

High-Level Disaster Recovery Plans Include:

This is a high-level IT DR plan that outlines critical information about Systems, Services, and Applications. It contains enough information that your IT Leadership, and frontline IT staff that support the related services for the systems in the plan need to find data and information quickly at a glance. 

It also includes contact information for critical team members and vendors required to support or troubleshoot the systems involved. 

They can include complete system rebuild information and might include specific scenarios such as: 

  • Loss or Outage of Data Center
  • Loss or Outage of AWS | Azure | Google Cloud Platform
  • Loss or outage of Circuit | Network Connectivity Failure
  • Loss of Database or other dependent System
  • Loss of Application 
Disaster Recovery Runbooks Include

This is a highly detailed step-by-step technical guide that contains enough detail that anyone from the same IT skillset level could utilize to complete recovery operations which should include:

  • Troubleshooting information to determine problems and confirm outage
  • Solutions and steps to resolve problems/issues
  • The complete failover procedures
  • The complete step-by-step Rebuild process
  • Additional Internal/External Teams and Contact Information
  • And more…

Step four: Overcome Any Obstacle, Train and Maintain

We train your frontline IT Teams to effectively document not just their DR plans, but also how to properly document and retain key data and artifacts to exercises and real events so that they will avoid common audit issues around proper documentation of a DR event. You, your employees, and your business will be prepared for anything that comes your way with our assistance. 

With our Learn, Practice, Implement, Challenge methodology you and your IT team will mature until they can face and overcome challenges and build confidence in themselves, their teams, and counterparts. 


Hear What Our Happy Clients Have to Say

View our Testimonials to hear and see what our clients say


Why Choose Erwood Group for Disaster Recovery Consulting?


At Erwood Group we know what it takes to develop, implement, and maintain an effective Disaster Recovery Program.

We aim to protect your business as a whole. We work with you to strategically align business needs and requirements with your IT. We give you the tools you need to be prepared for anything you might encounter. You can ensure your organization can withstand any event with our consulting services. 

Additionally, we understand that your IT Staff are likely overworked, overstretched, and in some cases may balk at the idea of implementing DR now. 

This is where we take the lead and do the heavy lifting and hard work to document the processes needed to develop your DR plans and implement your DR program. In most cases, we can work with your key IT Staff and document the process for them during an interview. 

Schedule a Consultation to Learn About Disaster Recovery Consulting Services

Our team is here to assist you with preparing for the future. Contact us to schedule an appointment to learn about disaster recovery consulting services. 
